Frog's Leap Chardonnay 750ml
Frog's Leap Chardonnay Napa Valley. Fermented and aged in stainless steel tanks and older French Oak barrels, the Frog’s Leap Chardonnay eschews the heavy vanilla and buttery flavors typical of high-maloactic, high-alcohol wines. Instead, aromas of pear and melon give way to the lighter, more delicate aromas of peach blossoms and a slight floral note.
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Frog's Leap Chardonnay 2015. The light, straw-yellow hue of this wine immediately reveals the fact that it is anything but another overblown Chardonnay. Fermented and aged in stainless steel tanks and older French Oak barrels, the Frog’s Leap Chardonnay eschews the heavy vanilla and buttery flavors typical of high-maloactic, high-alcohol wines. Instead, aromas of pear and melon give way to the lighter, more delicate aromas of peach blossoms and a slight floral note.
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