Bepi Tosolini Amaretto Salizà Liquor 750ml -

    Tosolini Amaretto Salizà Liquor


    Bepi Tosolini Amaretto Salizà Liquor 750ml. A delightful lightness and intense yet elegant marzipan flavour with a caramellized nut note in the end. Made with the distillate and infusion of the finest Italian almonds.


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    The history of the Distillery Bepi Tosolini began in 1943, when the Friulian Bepi Tosolini, born in 1918, a passionate connoisseur of their land and its customs, ardent supporter of their region and its products, he decided to create a different grappa, turning a distillate simple, humble and very often rustic and rough, in an elegant product intended for a discerning audience as refined. Stubbornness, obstinacy, and especially the love of Bepi so gave rise to this our great adventure.


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