Don Julio Rosado Tequila -

    Don Julio Rosado Tequila 750ml


    Don Julio Rosado is our new signature tequila finished in Ruby Port wine casks from the enchanting Douro wine region of Northern Portugal. The result is a deliciously unique reposado tequila with a delicate pink due and sweet notes of dried red fruit & caramel.


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    Don Julio Rosado Tequila - Julio Gonzalez was a simple farmer with an unparalleled devotion to his craft. His relentless devotion revolutionized the world of tequila-making, bringing it to uncharted heights. Always in search of better, Don Julio cared for his agave with the highest quality in mind. Each agave was carefully planted, giving them the room to fully grow and mature, and he hand-selected only the sweetest, most luscious portions of the piñas to be harvested at the peak of ripeness.


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