Bowmore Scotch Single Malt 15 Year 750ml -

    Bowmore 15 Year Old 750ml


    Bowmore Scotch Single Malt 15 Year. This Islay single malt was finished in Sherry casks, delivering a ruddy hue and brisk, smoky scent with a hint of sea air salinity. Peat and iodine lead the palate, evolving into mouthwatering olive brine, kalamata olive and unsweetened chocolate, finishing long and dry with hints of ash, clove and black pepper.


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    Bowmore’s celebrated Single Malt has been distilled on this jewel of an island, the Queen of the Hebrides, ever since 1779. This makes it the first of Islay’s eight distilleries chronologically speaking (and by taste too, many would say). Now, as then, Bowmore is widely acknowledged to be among the finest and most perfectly balanced single malts in the world.


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